Monday 10 November 2008


We have decided to carry out a questionnaire to research our target audience and what they would like to see in an opening sequence to a fictional film. We carried out a pilot questionnaire and got five people to fill it out.

From our pilot questionnaire we found that our first two questions were successful, in that people understood the question and answered them correctly. However, we found question 3 to be too complicated and hard to understand. Therefore, we will look into either re-wording it or replacing the question. If we were to leave this question as it is, our resluts would be inacurate as to people's actual thoughts and we would then create a film which would not give the pleasures the audience wants from a film.

For question 4 we devised a numerical system for people to rank their worries in society. After reading their responses and asking for their feedback we decided that the ordering system was too impersonal and vulgar to rank such terrible issues. It was also very tedious and time-consuming for them to think about each answer and give them a ranking. They also felt self-concious by the fact they may have ranked the issues in a different order than someone else, therefore making them feel inconsiderate and heartless. From this we have decided to keep the question as it is relevant to our genre, however, we will ammend our answering system to a more simple and less personal tick box answer.

For question 5 we have decided to re-word the question, this is because the answers were verry vague and did not give us any relevant or useful information. We will change it to what they think are the most common villains in thriller films as this will give us much more information which we can use in our planning.

1 comment:

Mr Lawton said...

I am impressed with the work you have done so far but your questionnaire is limited. It will help you to develop ideas for the narrative of your opening sequence but will give you little indication of the stylistic elements that people want to see (m-e-s, cinematography etc.) Perhaps you could set up a focus group and design a series of questions/semi-structured interviews to be answered based on a number of opening sequences you show. Let me know how you get on with this.

Mr L