Monday 8 December 2008

Filming Diary

We have decided to plan out the time and dates of each individual shot, as this will help us to keep the continuity. We do not want to run out of day light let the time of day look different when it is supposed to be the same shot. It will also keep us on track and motivated during the filming process.

11/01/2009 1.00 – 2.00 Shots 10 – 14, all at the playground

17/01/2009 All day Emptying rearranging and putting up the pictures in the man’s room

18/01/2009 1.00 – 4.00 Shots 1 – 9, 15 – 19; all in the man’s room
6.00 – 6.30 Shot 22; in the car

31/01/2009 5.00 – 6.00 Shots 23, 25, 26; All of the car outside the girl’s house
6.30 – 7.30 Shots 24, 41, 42; all of the girl coming in/out of the house
7.45 – 8.15 Shots 27, 28, man and girl’s feet

8/02/2009 6.00 – 7.30 Shots 29 – 40; man entering the house and walking up stairs
7.45 – 9.00 Shots 43 – 54; girl walking into house up stairs, in her room.

Obviously there are several days worth of filming therefore we need to ensure all of the costume and mise-en-scene remains the same throughout each scene. We have tried to ensure we film the whole of each scene in one go, however, there is simply too much to film during darkness at the girl’s house for this to be possible for this scene.

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