Tuesday 2 December 2008

Questionnaire Results

After reviewing our preliminary questionnaire we re-wrote it and distributed it to our target audience; teenagers and adults, mainly men.

We found that 13 out of 15 people like watching thriller films, this means we have already chosen a popular genre. If the majority of people had tick the no box for question 2 we would have designed a new questionnaire asking people about their favourite genres and completed further research to support this. We would also have had to change all of our ideas we already have and created a film within the most popular genre. Our film needs to be within a popular genre because it needs to fit in with the real world, if it was in an unpopular genre few people would go to watch the film in the cinema or buy it on DVD, making the film unsuccessful and making no money.

In question 3; what would you find most interesting in an opening few minutes of a film? we found that creating an atmosphere was the most popular answer closely followed by getting strait into the action. We are going to use both of these themes in our opening sequence. One person answered other and wrote enigma, this gave us an idea that we had not previously thought of.

Question 4 was interesting in that most of the people answered gang/knife culture as what worries them the most in society. This may be too close to people’s hearts to create a film on; therefore the least popular answer was paedophiles. This would be inappropriate to create a film on, especially within school, we will use the idea of a stalker instead, we do not want to offend anyone with the film we make.

The most popular answer in question 5 was old man. This means we should create an old man as the villain in our film if we want to work with our target audience’s wants. We should work with their requirements if we want our film to be popular, successful and make a lot of money.

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