Tuesday 31 March 2009

Different Interpretations

We feel our opening sequence can we interpreted in many different ways. We took the idea of the obsession from One Hour Photo, however, we realise this may give the wrong impression to our audience, therefore we have come up with a different meaning to our film. The man does not necesserily have to be stalking the girl, from the opening sequence we can then create a film based on an astranged father trying anything within his power to see his daughter. This would make the film less sinister and more audience friendly.

We realise that one of the interpretations of our film is that the man is a sex offender. We, as a group, think this is an important issue to raise as it is a growing fear in todays society. We wanted to show the true feelings behind both sides of a sex offence, the wants and desires of the 0ffender and the trauma caused by his actions. We wanted to portray a true issue that people are faced with.

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