Tuesday 24 March 2009

Music choice and description

The first song that we chose to use was by Radiohead and we thought it fitted into it well with the piece, it was eerie and soft which created enigma and shrouded the atmosphere with a chilling mood. Later on we used a song named "Bad old man" by Babybird. We thought this fitted in well as it is also a very eerie song choice and relates to the narrative. We changed the effect of the music so that when the girl heard it outside the room it was quiet, but when she walked into the room it gradually became louder and ultimately when she pressed the button the music stopped with fits in with the continuity of the piece. We think that the music choice was quite clever in the fact that we did not rush in with loud adrenaline-pumping music, but kept the audience on the edge of their seats leaving emotions and the enigma of what is to happen right until the end of the piece where it finally climaxes with the image of the stalker underneath the girls bed. The music used was soley for a school project and no copyright infringements were intended.

We realise our song choices are copyrighted and so we will not exibit our work in any public place or enter the piece into any out of school competitions.

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